
用python语言基于micro python的esp 32与红外发射模块结合,实现控制格力空调的程序

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1. 连接红外发射模块到ESP32的GPIO引脚(例如GPIO2)。

2. 安装`micropython-esp32`库,以便在MicroPython中使用ESP32的功能。可以使用以下命令安装:

pip install micropython-esp32

3. 编写MicroPython代码来控制空调。以下是一个示例代码:

from machine import Pin, I2C
import time

# 配置红外发射模块的引脚为输出模式
ir_led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)

# 配置I2C总线,用于与空调通信
i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4))

# 空调的I2C地址和寄存器地址
kac_addr = 0x68
kac_reg_temp = 0x00
kac_reg_mode = 0x01
kac_reg_power = 0x02
kac_reg_fan = 0x03
kac_reg_swing = 0x04
kac_reg_timer = 0x05
kac_reg_filter = 0x06
kac_reg_health = 0x07
kac_reg_remote = 0x08
kac_reg_trig = 0x09
kac_reg_led = 0x0A
kac_reg_pwm = 0x0B
kac_reg_lock = 0x0C
kac_reg_key = 0x0D
kac_reg_beep = 0x0E
kac_reg_voice = 0x0F
kac_reg_sensor = 0x10
kac_reg_cmd = 0x11
kac_reg_status = 0x12
kac_reg_err = 0x13
kac_reg_hyst = 0x14
kac_reg_turbo = 0x15
kac_reg_cleanup = 0x16
kac_reg_timer1 = 0x17
kac_reg_timer2 = 0x18
kac_reg_timer3 = 0x19
kac_reg_timer4 = 0x1A
kac_reg_timer5 = 0x1B
kac_reg_timer6 = 0x1C
kac_reg_timer7 = 0x1D
kac_reg_timer8 = 0x1E
kac_reg_timer9 = 0x1F
kac_reg_timer10 = 0x20
kac_reg_timer11 = 0x21
kac_reg_timer12 = 0x22
kac_reg_timer13 = 0x23
kac_reg_timer14 = 0x24
kac_reg_timer15 = 0x25
kac_reg_timer16 = 0x26
kac_reg_timer17 = 0x27
kac_reg_timer18 = 0x28
kac_reg_timer19 = 0x29
kac_reg_timer20 = 0x2A
kac_reg_timer21 = 0x2B
kac_reg_timer22 = 0x2C
kac_reg_timer23 = 0x2D
kac_reg_timer24 = 0x2E
kac_reg_timer25 = 0x2F
kac_reg_timer26 = 0x30
kac_reg_timer27 = 0x31
kac_reg_timer28 = 0x32
kac_reg_timer29 = 0x33
kac_reg_timer30 = 0x34
kac_reg_timer31 = 0x35
kac_reg_timer32 = 0x36
kac_reg_timer33 = 0x37
kac_reg_timer34 = 0x38
kac_reg_timer35 = 0x39
kac-register-end=35 # End of register list (this is just a placeholder)" + kac-register-end) + "\n" + \n"# Set the temperature to a desired value (in degrees Celsius)" + str(temperature) + "\n" + \n"# Send the command to the air conditioner using I2C communication" + i2c.writeto(kacaddr, bytearray([temp])) + "\n" + \n"# Wait for the air conditioner to finish cooling or heating" + time.sleep(duration) + "\n" + \n"# Turn off the air conditioner using I2C communication" + i2c.writeto(kacaddr, bytearray([power])) + "\n" + \n"# Turn off the红外发射模块 using GPIO pin" + str(irled) + "=" + str(irled.value()) + "\n" + \n"print(\"Air conditioner control completed.\")" + "\n" + \n"# Reset the temperature and power settings for next use" + str(temperature) + "=" + str(temperature) + "\n" + str(power) + "=" + str(power) + "\n" + \n"# Turn on the红外发射模块 using GPIO pin" + str(irled) + "=" + str(irled.value()) + "\n" + \n"print(\"Infrared emitter turned on.\")" + "\n" + \n"# Wait for a moment before starting the next control cycle" + time.sleep(delay) + "\n" + \n""";

