
请写一篇英语作文 作文标题:Printed Book or E-book 开始时间:2024-06-10 截止时间:2024-06-17 Directions: Directions: For t

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Title: Printed Book or E-book

With the proliferation of technology, the debate between printed books and e-books has intensified. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Printed books have a tangible quality that many readers love. They can be easily marked, highlighted, and referenced. Moreover, they do not require any power source or electronic device to read them. On the other hand, printed books take up physical space and can be heavy to carry around. They also contribute to deforestation and pollution through paper production and transportation.

E-books, however, offer convenience and portability. They can store thousands of books in one small device, making them ideal for travelers or those with limited space. Additionally, e-books often cost less than printed books and have searchable text, making it easy to find specific information. Nevertheless, reading from a screen for extended periods can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns due to blue light emissions.

In conclusion, both printed books and e-books have their unique benefits. The choice depends on individual preferences and circumstances. Regardless of the format chosen, the joy of reading remains unchanged.

