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2024年中国传统节日英语演讲稿 篇1

  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  We are about to usher in this year's Mid Autumn Festival. This is not onlya traditional festival in our country, but also a festival of reunion. I believethat both teachers and students here want to go home and reunite with theirfamilies. In such a beautiful festival, I have a meal with my family and chatwarmly on the table.

  In the Mid Autumn Festival, the most obvious sign is to eat moon cakes.Moon cakes are round, symbolizing reunion. As a traditional festival, the MidAutumn Festival has continued to this day. I still remember when I was a child,I especially liked festivals, because the family would get together during theholidays, which was very happy.

  We are lucky to have such a beautiful festival in this golden autumn. Weshould cherish the beauty brought by the festival. Since ancient times, the MidAutumn Festival has been with us. On such a day, we should cheer heartily,express our feelings heartily, and bravely say our love to my parents. Parentswork hard to raise us. What we really return to them is what we can do atpresent. To the teachers, we express our gratitude to them in this festival,thank them for their education and teaching, and let us learn a lot of culture.Usher in the Mid Autumn Festival. At school, we can make a handwritten newspaperrepresenting this festival and draw the beauty of this festival on theblackboard in our classroom.

  Facing the Mid Autumn Festival and looking forward to the future, let'scelebrate the arrival of the festival. We are very lucky to be a inheritor oftraditional festivals. We should know that because of the development andopening of society, our country also readily accepts foreign festivals. In fact,most traditional festivals are impacted by foreign festivals, and more peopleprefer foreign festivals. Therefore, as students and the future of ourmotherland, our first priority is to protect these festivals, especially thoselike the Mid Autumn Festival. These traditional festivals carrying countlessChinese culture and national culture need us to inherit most.

  Well, in the new era, we welcome the beautiful Mid Autumn Festivaltogether, let this festival develop better and maintain it together. Finally,the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and ahappy family reunion! In this festival, I sit at the same table with my family,chat and enjoy the full moon.

  Thank you!

2024年中国传统节日英语演讲稿 篇2

  Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone! In this golden September, we are about to usher in theannual Mid Autumn Festival. The Mid Autumn Festival has always been known as theChinese traditional festival of human feelings and poetic feelings of theChinese nation. It is on August 15 of the lunar calendar every year. It is a dayof warm reunion and the support of the nostalgia of the Chinese people.

  The Mid Autumn Festival, the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival and theDragon Boat Festival are known as the four traditional festivals of the Hannationality in China. The word "Mid Autumn Festival" was first seen in Zhou Li.According to historical records, the festival period for emperors to worship themoon in ancient times was August 15 of the lunar calendar, which coincided withhalf of the third Autumn Festival, so it was named "Mid Autumn Festival";Because this festival is in autumn and August, it is also called "AutumnFestival", "August Festival", "Mid Autumn Festival", etc; There are also beliefsand related customs to pray for reunion, so it is also called "reunion day" and"daughter's Day". Because the main activities of the Mid Autumn Festival arecarried out around the "Moon", it is also commonly known as "Moon Festival","moon Eve", "chasing the Moon Festival", "playing the Moon Festival" and "moonworship Festival"; In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival was also called"Duan Zhengyue". The prevalence of the mid autumn festival began in the SongDynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as new year's day andbecame one of the main festivals in China.

  The mid autumn festival represents reunion and family reunion. At thistime, appreciating the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival has become a commoncustom everywhere. Families will sit in the yard, eat moon cakes, enjoy the moonhanging on the horizon, the full moon knows the hearts of the people, have adinner with their families and send sincere blessings to their relatives faraway from home. It is the most important chapter of the Mid Autumn Festival. DuFu said with infinite expectation that "the dew is white from tonight, and themoon is the hometown of Ming." Su Shi sincerely wished "I wish people a longtime and a thousand miles together.". Throughout the ages, countless writers andwriters have been writing poems about the Mid Autumn Festival.


